
"Gaming journalists" shitting on Black Myth: Wukong is AMAZING!

I think that the large majority of so-called "gaming journalists" shitting on Black Myth: Wukong is absolutely wonderful, fantastic, amazing! Let me tell you why.

For a good long while now, woke games media and other activists have managed to convince some game publishers/developers that they're the audience. We don't WANT beautiful women in games, we want D-I-V-E-R-S-I-T-Y! We want games full of ugly women, feminine men, and boy oh boy do we want folks to have VITILIGO! That's apparently important too, for some reason.

These people don't care if a game is "fun" in fact, "fun" seems to be something they actively dislike. It's all about "THE MESSAGE" and that message being a confusing mess of made up issues, crazy theories and contradictory nonsense. You know what I mean, I think, if you've been paying attention to social media for the last 10 years or so.

They've managed to convince some game companies that THEY'RE the "modern audience" simply by being loud. Having infiltrated many "gaming journalist" outlets also has helped amplify their very insane message.

The fact that these people are just a loud minority seems to be taking a while to get through to most of the "AAA" companies making games, despite the fact that most "woke-heavy" games sell poorly. I think we need bigger examples of just how well a non-woke game can do, despite vicious attacks from the woke gaming media. And we have it now.

You've probably seen it yourself, a large number of these activist "journalists" have taken turns attacking Wukong. Accusing the developers of sexist comments, decrying the lack of "diversity" in a game set in fictional ancient China that's full of humans and beast characters alike. Hell, even the outlet Nintendo Enthusiast, a site that doesn't even cover the game Wukong as it isn't on any Nintendo platform, took their turn to attack it.

But you know why? The game has sold. Well. VERY well! It's done absolutely amazing, actually. This is a game that's not only NOT woke, the developers are actively ANTI-woke, and you can imagine how the gaming media has taken that. But it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter AT ALL. The actual gamers, the ones who just want to be left alone with their silly games, are buying it. They're playing it. A whole, hell of a lot.

I think this is just the example that was needed to send a giant message that appealing to the tiny minority of woke activists is absolutely not necessary. The louder they complain, they better it seems to do. This is an amazing example of what we've been yelling about for years. It's yet another piece of proof that wokes need not be appealed to, and it's a big piece.

So, yes, I LOVE the fact that so many activists and "journalists" are bitching about this game. Keep doing it! More! Louder! Shout it from the rooftops! Call them sexists, racists, bring up hitler or something! Over and over! Let every game developer and publisher see that you don't matter. You're not the audience that actually buys games. You're doing our job for us.