I'm sure you've heard by now but Concord, a game that took 8 years and somewhere around 250 MILLION dollars to make... is dead. It's no longer for sale and the servers will be taken down on September 6th.
The game launched on August 23rd. That's 2 weeks. The average lifespan of a HOUSEFLY is somewhere around 15 - 30 days. It didn't even last that long.
Why? Well, the main reason, I think, is the woke messaging. Take a look at the character roster if you don't know what I mean. Yet another game to go hard on the woke angle and another failure. In fact, this is one of the biggest, if not THE biggest, game failure in the industry's history.
The people complaining about the characters were written off as some hateful minority, as usual, and, as usual, they were proven right. So my question to the gaming industry is... are we done? Can we be done with this now, please?
How many more studios have to go out of business and people have to lose their jobs? Gamers don't want the woke shit. We've proven this to you, time and again, studio after studio, layoff after layoff. You know I'm right whether you like it or not.
Gamers WANT the crude humor, the unfiltered sexiness, the... everything you want out of gaming, basically. We never stopped. The only thing that's changed since the 90s is a group of loudmouth neo-fascist lunatics that you, for some reason, can't help but bow to. They're loud but still a tiny minority. They don't want to give you money, we do. They just want to make a change and then proclaim loudly about the amazing changes they made and virtue signal.
They ASSURE you that THEY'RE the "modern audience" and anyone who complains is just some old relic that doesn't represent modern sensibilities. Guess what? They're wrong. You know it, I know it.
At least, at this point, I sure as hell hope you know it.
The best thing about all this is, if you keep going with this woke horseshit, you'll lose. We, the gamers, won't lose. Indies are replacing you. They're more willing to give gamers what we want. Not to mention China/Korea. We'll get what we want. You ruining your business and reputations for this "modern audience" nonsense will hurt no one but yourselves.
So... can we stop, please? Are we done? Can we just go back to having fun now?